Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Deeply hurted

I Felt it,
I don't know it's juz me or something,
I felt like I've been hated by many ppl,
this year,
sitting in the class room,
seeing the classmate around me,
I juz felt like I'm not supposed 2 be there,
all my classmates playing in group,
only me,
juz sitting at the corner of the classroom,
been ignore by everybody,
like I din't exist,
they hurts me everyday,
by saying satirize word,
I've been scolded by them in group,
calling me a rubbish,
saying my parent's are dead,
BELIEVE ME  It doesn't felt gud,
I tolerate them once and once again,
but they keep doing them same thing,
at the time...I keep telling myself,
'I can't cry,I can't...if I cry...they will be even happier,
I can't let them succeed ......'
my heart...
It hurts more than I tough,
nobody like 2 be hurt like this,
I know I'm not a pretty girl,
not popular,don't have much friends,
but I'm also a ppl,
I also have parent's that raised me,
I also will felt hurt by them,
so I really hope they can stop it......