Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let go

It seems that everything are not the same anymore,

You have a new her standing beside you,
Leaving me alone behind you,
Trying to get up to your footstep 
But you walk too fast 
I don't have the energy to chase you anymore,
I'm tired of this game anymore,
Now, you don't need me anymore
You have HER to replace me,
Although I don't like this ending but I have no other choice, Right?
Nothing will be like those fairy tale that always have a happy ending for every story,
Despise that I feel like crying I wish you two have a happy ending.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Anxious @@

The exam is just around the corner,
everybody should felt nervous,scared or exciting?
I must said I din"t felt a thing,
I'm just very confuse about how to be a LEADER,
I know that being a LEADER is not a easy job,
but when the ex-co scold me,
I just like,
"WHAT, what do you expect?"
A perfect one or just a BARBIE?
I really don"t know what wrong with me!!!
Why she can done it but I can't?
It's the way I walk,
The way I speak,
or my attitude?
This is just the problem I'm suffering on,
I trying again and again to outsmart this problem,
But in the eye's of her,
I just never tried hard enough rite?
I know it's disappointing to both me and her,
But I've tried as hard as I could,
I hope I can change myself and also change the last thought of her,
I here promise that I'll do it before you leave,
Honestly...I hope
In the other case,
I don't have the mooooood to study,
I'm so going to dead at this kind of situation,
Even thought that everybody keep giving me pressure to kept study study and study,
but I just felt nothing,
nothing at at,
I hate it,
I really want some motif to get to study again,

Monday, September 9, 2013


Have you ever felt like,
"Hey I want that also",
but you can"t buy it after a long search?
I meant like SOLD OUT?
What The?
That feels totally not good,
I even hate this kind of situation happen on myself,
How can  it be truth?
It's like the god is playing a game with you,
when you want the book,
the book is SOLD OUT,
but when you don"t want the book,
there's always everywhere you can see,
If this is a game,
I'll be mad,
but sadly it's not  and also it's my life,
This just make me grumpy,
have no feel to do revision on that subject,
Hey?I'm a easily disturb girl,
I can't do revision when I din't have the book,condition,or even the room,
It's not my fault to be like this,

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Oh now after I'm crazy,
I have to be a leader?
I can't play anymore in the school,in the class,in front of the student,
So what still I can do?
Who can teach me now?
I really don't know,
I know that I'm childish,
I'm stupid,I'm crazy and I'm can't speak,
Other than being a leader now,I need 2 be a M.C.
Oh,there just so many problem problem problems,
So I got to face everything by myself now,
because no one can help me......
I'm frustrated,
Can anyone give me some idea???
I know I'm a failure,
I can't do anything,I wish I could,but I just can't,
I told myself I can't be despise by other,
I must get 7A in my exam,
I tried to study hard,
Everything just makes me felt down,
I don't feel like doing anything,
just sleep and watch tv,
I can't fight for my target,
I just can't,
and now other than studies,
I need 2 be a good leader of a group?society?or Kadet?
Funny right?
a 15 years old take over a group,
Yup...I also think it's funny,
I rather that I'm not the 1,
No need to take care of every thing and become like a mad girl
Fine that's it,
I'm done here.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Something is just so not right here,
I'm depressed,I'm sad,I'm lonely,
I can't even felt my heart beat,
I'm totally lost,
I can spend 3/4 of my time sleeping and the other 1/4 watching TV,
And don't even felt that my life is boring,
I don't know what to said,what to do,
I can't even focus  to study for my PMR exam that will be held about 1 month after,
I talk to my dog,
I walk alone and start singing my own song,
Oh come on?
What is wrong about me?
Am I alright?
Oh god bless me,
First, I'm ugly,
Second, I'm crazy,
Third, I'm Stupid,
Fine, everything just land on me,
How can I do this?
How can I cure myself?
Do I need a mental doctor?
Or should I said AM I CRAZY?
Fine I admit it,
I felt like all my friends don't like me,
So what I'm not good enough,
Everyone have defect,
It's not just me that is not perfect,
I felt like I'm losing myself,
I don't even know are I still the same?
I'm sad when they said all my bad things out,
Although it's the truth,
And I'm always saying I'm alright,I'm fine,
Or sometimes I'm uninvited,
I'll just said I'm better without it,just go by yourself,
but in the heart I'm sad,
I cry in my bed at night,
I even can't sleep while I think about how stupid I am,
All the things I have done,
I hoped my life is more awesome than others,
but I'm just a normal girl that everybody forget,
Just face it,
You are not getting the life you want,

Thursday, August 23, 2012


I know I'm not the perfect 1 in the world,
I know...
everybody hates me,
but what can I do,
I can't say no in my life,
I can't say "I hate it",
I can't even says "I don't like it",
but who knows
I regret for everything I have done,
I regret 2 be in this world,
I regret 2 live here,
I regret for knowing them,
I regret ...
but nobody know how I'm feeling,
Nobody wants 2 know how my life goes on,
Nobody knows how I desire 2 have someone I can talk with,
n who knows how many times I have cried in my pillow,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Deeply hurted

I Felt it,
I don't know it's juz me or something,
I felt like I've been hated by many ppl,
this year,
sitting in the class room,
seeing the classmate around me,
I juz felt like I'm not supposed 2 be there,
all my classmates playing in group,
only me,
juz sitting at the corner of the classroom,
been ignore by everybody,
like I din't exist,
they hurts me everyday,
by saying satirize word,
I've been scolded by them in group,
calling me a rubbish,
saying my parent's are dead,
BELIEVE ME  It doesn't felt gud,
I tolerate them once and once again,
but they keep doing them same thing,
at the time...I keep telling myself,
'I can't cry,I can't...if I cry...they will be even happier,
I can't let them succeed ......'
my heart...
It hurts more than I tough,
nobody like 2 be hurt like this,
I know I'm not a pretty girl,
not popular,don't have much friends,
but I'm also a ppl,
I also have parent's that raised me,
I also will felt hurt by them,
so I really hope they can stop it......